Rough 'n Tumble

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Sun 3 Dec 2006 12:45
18.42N 27.05W
Now been at sea for seven days and have covered c900 miles. Prim Teaze has
looked after us splendidly, especially as we have 15 foot swells at the
moment. This means we are travelling fast but uncomfortable and getting
enough sleep a bit of a challenge.
The daily routine consists of number of duties which includes cooking,
checking the rigging and cleaning. The watch rota for me is 23:OO - 02:00 /
07:00 to 10:00 and various times during daylight. Feeling little tired at
the moment with the heavy seas but these should be backing off & back to the
fishing competition. Tom hates loosing and as I'm in the lead - thinking
that the fishing gear may disappear?
Looking forward to island life in St Lucia - on the boat beers need to be
restricted so the island maybe a little dryer by the time I've left.
Love my by boys, friends & family (Mark - if you read this my thought are
obviously with you at this time, Beth was just a sweet lady), all the NU
staff following progress.
Ps Grantee - keep the beers cold for the 24th - I'm counting down the days!