Skippers blog

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Fri 4 Aug 2006 22:42

Well, after writing the first blog, I finally find time to write another. We are no finished all the minor repairs

to our engine. New fan belt and cooling system blanking cap. Why this took 5 days to resolve is anyones

guess but those that know me might understand that there is a bar in town called Chob, selling Guinness

so no more needs to be said. Some farewell photographs have been sent of which I will include only one

which is this one.



The Hamble river on a balmy Thursday evening. I hope you all get the picture. It’s not where you are but

where you are aiming for. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not

dare that things are difficult. On that note, sleep well and God rest.