Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Sun 29 Jul 2007 13:36
walks, to ferries, cars and planes to and from Tobago. It's been non-stop!
Today we go out to sea to empty the bilges before docking on Monday (and go
for a decent snorkel) - prior to haul-out Thursday.
So here's the story.....turtle watching was great - with three big ones
strutting their stuff on the beach in near full moon-light and little ones
using their clockwork arms and legs to make it to the ocean. The
conservation beach was very basic, but we got to see stunning sights, with
the big leather-backs working hard to produce their eggs, cover them and
then place decoy nests to help keep the hatchlings alive - they make their
way to the ocean once hatched about 20 days after laying-up!
The following day we got to walk through a bit of rainforest in an old
colonial setting - very, very beautiful.
Yesterday, we were up with the lark (or Pelican) to ferry across to Tobago,
where we hired a 4x4 for the day - what a beautiful island. Can't wait to
do it justice when we're back here later this year. The 15 minute flight
back was severly painless in comparison to the ferry, but the hour journey
through Chaguaramas (due to a local concert)was just too much - though we
had managed to escape the island on a very rainy day - the dinghy was still
floating - just!
Pics to follow..