Sorry, but we will be posting really exciting pictures when
there’s something really exciting to see. Took photos yesterday of 90
litres of water being loaded onto the boat. Today recced the local market –
which is very good – and we will order all our fresh produce from one of
the stalls there. I have spent today greasing the rubber seals around the
windows and Tom’s had his head under the sink looking for a leak –
OK so its 24C here, but its not all sunshine and roses! Booked a hair
appointment for Saturday, and might even get Tom to have the thought that he
can do with one too! Andy and Mark arrive on Saturday and they have a boys
weekend planned at a five star hotel – might gate-crash if only to use
the bathroom. Not sure any of my current clothes are smart enough to be seen
anywhere else in the place! More and more boats are arriving and the entertainment of
the day is watching disgruntled smaller boats being shoved off the pontoon to
make room for the “posh” charter/racing boats. Fortunately we
believe we are too big to get moved. Have made friends with the dog next door –
Pogo – a real life version of Tolstoy – he’s handsome enough
for a picture so will get the camera out for him. His owner works around the
marina and poor Pogo is left for long stretches by himself, though everyone on
the pontoon gives him lots of pats and attention. |