Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Sat 14 Apr 2007 00:29
We arrived in Guadeloupe the day before yesterday - whenever that was! Lady
Sarah arrived yesterday and Teka Nova arrived today (in the middle of a
sprawl). Travelling on Friday 13th must have suited them, as they saw
pirouetting whales and schools of dolphins on the way down - we have decided
not to speak to them tonight and will catch up with them in the Saintes when
we might just have forgiven them!
We're off diving and snorkeling tomorrow, Tom will do his first open with a
local team, I will snorkel (sore rib muscles still - yes, plus being a
wimp), Pete and Claire are joining us for the experience. Should be fun,
but you might have to wait to catch up with all the thrills and spills, our
satphone is not behaving itself and we know we're running out minutes on it,
but can't find out when we're due to renew.