Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Mon 11 Dec 2006 12:09
16.17N 47.47W
Well, it had to happen, we've had our first abandon ship from a trusty
crewmember. Gervais - that hooker who helped lure an unsuspecting Dorado
onto our supper plate - has cast herself adrift into the hands (and gullet)
of a Tuna with Tom's name on it!
Fortunately, the Sunday lunch did not disappear at the same time, as Angus
was cooking up a veritable Sunday roast chicken and all the trimmings in the
galley (very hot down there, we will both be arriving in St L a stone
lighter if this continues!).
Anyway bright and early this morning (Monday) Uhura, the dusky maiden was
cast to the deep and with her our hopes that she will not prove as wayward
as her predecessor.
Moving west, we've decided to keep the same watch hours even though the days
are slowly lengthening. Going to bed at UTC 1900 is about the hottest time
of day and sun up at around 0930 UTC again a strange experience. We've
started star gazing and Tom is getting his sextant out in anger for the
first time today, no doubt it will tell us we're on our way to Guyana (which
we were for a short time yesterday)