But we are safely here in Anyway, those winds that deserted us in the days preceding,
suddenly found their voice and we were escorted into the bay on lively 20kts+
winds. Fortunately, the marina were very much on the ball - sending
an escort rib to make sure we knew where we were going and to ensure that they found
the right berth for a yacht our size. Fenders were set accordingly, and our
progress into the marina was made as smooth as possible by the escort,
Carlos. On approach to the berth, Carlos made sure he was in the correct
place to receive our ropes and again with good fortune, we’d got them set
correctly, ‘cos it was still windy! After sorting out the ropes, Tom disappeared to complete
formalities……he then phoned to say he was having a beer in the bar (shock! Impressions of the place are good, the marina is away from
Funchal and so they cannot do enough for you. We plan to be here
for a few days, there’s a fiesta at the weekend (for those that know, its
Bathgate Gala day, |