Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Tue 14 Nov 2006 18:21

Well, the boyz came – and have now went.  To prove it more pictures.  We have spent today variously, looking for part-baked bread – now ordered form the LP equivalent of Selfridges. Tom’s gone up the mast to raise the Talisker flag (don’t ask), the World Cruising Club also run a Malts run and get free samples, slightly better than the rum (for some) over the other end of the Atlantic!  Tonight is the first of the happy hours, this one sponsored by Rolnautic, who are the main chandlers here and form a major part of the ARC economy.   We all thought we were kitted out, until you go around that particular Aladdins Cave.   We’ve just been given an (almost clean bill of health by the rigging chap and are awaiting our safety briefing.   Raymarine are also meant to b4e making an appearance.   The loos are still work in progress!!


The inspection                                                                           Colette Got a Watching brief at Sunday lunch






Tom heading for the mast