Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Tue 1 May 2007 15:42
off in Rodney Bay instead of Marigot. Just as well really as the mainsail
decided to misbehave on the way in and has got itself stuck. We're now
sitting having coffee in Safe Ole awaiting the Sail Loft owner, Ince to come
and have a look-see - no mean feat to get someone to look at anything on a
bank holiday - it's Labor Day out here!
We'l let you know the outcome once we've had a little play - meantime it's
best gregards from Rodney Bay - stuck here with Peter and Claire, who are
also using Ince's good offices for to mend their sails!
Pictures anon.....Ray and Julie say: if you are going to sail, sail with a
philosophical captain!