We are now safely tied up in Guadeloupe
and our friends from the ARC Finish Line - Brigitte and Hakim from Erpel - are
here. We will be staying at least a week. The next stop will be Antigua and we want to soak up some French culture (food)
and stock up before moving on. Raymarine are also due to be fixing stuff
in Antigua and we don't yet know when the relevant kit will be there.
Anyway, as I always say - every picture tells a story and so here's a
The fishing fleet in St Pierre
The fishing fleet fillet and deliver their goods to the counter

Tom pokes his nose in

Okay – it was not an international incident with the trawlers.
Whilst walking about in St Pierre,
he walked into a sign which was cunningly disguised as a sign – just finishing
at nose height. The writing on the sign was proud and now Tom sports the
letters SOG on his nose. (No, not really), but there’s three big
gouges and it will take some time to heal. In the meantime he’s a source
of merriment wherever we go!