The Intrepid four (Lady Sara and ourselves) ventured into Castries yesterday; quick
look around the market - searching for that elusive summer dress! Also did a
tour of a duty free centre and the vegetable market, a quick beer and then it
was time to come home! The local buses are people carriers - very well
used and very cheap, but not much room for luggage! There then followed a
whiskey tasting - set by Tom and relatively in control this time. With
just a passing nod to Burns Night it was then time for bed...
Work continues on the boat and both Tom and I have started running
(well, some might call it running). There's a pool at the marina, very
small, but enough to plosh in and cool off in the evening, so life is good for
another few days or until the dentist calls again!
Another busy day in Paradise Bay!
The Malts, they are a-calling!