Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Mon 16 Apr 2007 12:26
minute job - checking oil and water for the engine and generator. Five
minutes became five hours as Tom hurled the water cap into the bilge. For
those of you not acquainted with our bilge, its oily, slimey, smelly and
hot. Not a happy boy, our Tom! Anyway now our bilge is a lot emptier, the
drains in Guadeloupe are a lot smellier and the engine didn't need water
The day after was slightly jollier, with a diving trip out with Peter and
Claire from Lady Sarah. Photos to follow as the camera needs to be
The day after (yesterday in fact) we left Dehaises for Les Saintes and we
had true North Sea weather on the way down, force 7's on the nose and a
series of squalls which tried to drench us! At the start of this bad weather
we had proof that all the Dolphins have not left the Carib and are fairly
certain we saw a whale tail, so that was a great lift to the damp spirits.
We are now in Les Saintes, but may have to move on rapidly overnight as we
have a potential customer for our Parasailor. The sail was being repaired
in Martinique and should be ready for collection tomorrow, so if it all
works out, we'll be shipping it to Panama and to its new