Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Thu 17 May 2007 14:44
We got away at 0520, not bad for an early start. The wind was fluky at
first, but as we came out from behind St Lucia, we were/are experiencing
20+kts in the open channel, so we've gone from fully sail including mizzen,
to reefed Genoa and main! We do also have the engine on, as we have quite a
feat to achieve to get into Bequia before dark.
Just before moving away from St Lucia, we saw a platoon or two of Dolphins;
they were not interested in us, so they were obviously having a good feed of
a big shoal of fish. A few other boats have set off early like us, but as
they are able to sail closer to the wind than we can, they are heading
around the East of St Vincent, but will be bound for Bequia too, we think.
Sorry about the lack of pictures......more once we get to Bequia.