Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Sun 11 Nov 2007 12:36
We Are now sitting in Chaguramas Bay - we had a great deal of rain yesterday
and I've developed a severe case of trench foot! Peter and Claire are
making slow progress with their repairs and yesterday saw them at a nadir,
with windows out and the mast leaking during the very very big downpour.
We've decided to knock our trip to Los Testigos on the head and concentrate
on getting Lady Sarah in the water - hopefully by next Friday or Monday.
We will then go our separate ways - Lady Sarah will be heading West towards
Panama (and probably getting more work done in Venezuela). We'll be heading
up to Grenada, then onto St Lucia. We hope that by the end of the month,
the weather will have become less rainy and we'll get some swimming in the
sea (finally).
Anyway - it WOULD BE LOVELY - to hear from you all and let us know what you
are up to in these heady days before Xmas!!