Las Palmas Puerto isn’t the prettiest, with the
constant to-ing and fro-ing of container vessels, ferries, cruise liners etc,
but it does have the convenience of a big city. Tom has ventured far and wide
on his morning runs and we have so far found the department store equivalent of
Selfridges with food hall prices to match – but with a good spread of
international products. We’ll now move downmarket for shopping with
visits to Hyperdino’s and Carrefour around the town. There are local
chandleries vying for your custom and offering 5 – 15% discount on ARC
boat tickets. We have found an electrician further down the
pontoon, who will be looking at our wobbly fuses on Monday, plus a fridge
engineer has visited to say the broken one is definitely terminal and we just
have to hope it (and its co-worker freezer) can be shipped in and replaced
before we leave – all chasing work for Monday. The marina is very basic and all its facilities will
suffer from the over-crowding when the rest of the 200+ yachts and their crews
start vying for the loos, showers etc. I’ve already had a fruitless trip
to the launderette – which has four machines. A Brit had commandeered
two, and was using them in tandem all the way up to the shop closing yesterday
lunchtime. This morning is one for jobs. I’ve just
started de-frosting the upright freezer and we had all electrics off overnight,
so we can start measuring our power consumption more accurately. The good news
is that the electrician gave us a thumbs up on what we have in terms of battery
power. We have joined the local “club”, but its
suffering from having the slat water pool on top of the shower facilities –
the ladies is a very wet place, but at least is a quiet haven for us and our
crew (complete with wifi access). More anon – with pretty pictures! |