Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Wed 6 Dec 2006 12:55
16.36N 34.33W
We decided to rename the DIY firm on board and declare them ready for
business: no fish too small, no talent competition too tacky to enter - you
have the drift.
Fisherman McCorkindale was in charge of the reel, but it was swelly - and
you have guessed it - that BIG one just slipped off the line. Declared to
be bigger by some way than the previous trophy rashly cast back into the
deep, the boys had to make do with yet another couple of tins of tuna for
the evening meal. Sorry clan MacDonald, maybe I should have bought some
Talent competition was due to take place on the SSB radio net, the boys were
left in charge of supplying the fancy dress, so we went as we were; they
were going to recite R Burns esq, but we only had 2 minutes. In the event
when we tuned in just a couple of minutes late, it seemed entertainment was
abandoned for the night, well it was a bit rocky.
Moving along now and we have slipped an hour, which means that I now miss
sun-up. Not much else to report other than a closish encounter with a
fishing vessel, just as we were doing deck chores.
For those who want to know temperature here is 90-ish.