view from dry land

A little supplementary blurb from me: Sue (Angus's other half). After much ado, they finally set sail, and for those of you not following the ARC website, you might like to know that there seems to be more fishing than sailing happening! They are however, safe and well, if a bit behind in the race. Colette did a sterling job in ordering supplies, and prioritising work to be done. The rest of us worked hard to find space on the boat for everything and complete the jobs, whilst still finding time to attend all compulsory drinks parties! I'm not sure that it was a wise move to put Angus in the cabin with the chocolate supplies! Poor Sandra has ended up sleeping with the potatoes and onions. No luck there girl!! The crew left on Sunday with spirits high, blessed with sunshine. Brass bands played. Many boat crews were in fancy dress; Viking attire, kilts and circus costumes. 230ish boats made a colourful spectacle for the crowds which gathered along the promenade. As they disappeared on the horizon I couldn't help wonder what challenges their adventure would provide. My wish for them, is that Sandra can enjoy a three course meal by the weekend, Colette gets some good sleep because she deserves it, Tom just enjoys every minute (yes Tom, you are finally there!!) and Angus finds some clean underwear after his supplies run out around Thursday! I am sure, like me, you wish them all a safe and happy voyage.