We have finally stirred from our chores and ventured
into Point A Pitre - about a 40 minute stroll. We did it today, Sunday, not
a wise move if you want lunch. It was not open. Even the McDonald's;
even the Delifrance! It looked as though it had seen a Sunday market of
sorts - maybe a car boot sale and we did find one place open that sold us a
welcome beer and bottle of wine. The marina was more lively and we did have a pizza,
and some rose wine - very nice indeed! The marina here has a batuea
mouche, and here's a photo! Plus a photo of the only place we found open in Point
a Pitre - the flower stall! Moving on either tomorrow or Tuesday, the
forecast here seems to indicate bits of the stuff that the US has been
experiencing, but our next destination is Antigua, so we have a bit of time
before we arrive there.