Deborah's tour starts with a trip to Martinique.
Marin is our first stop for check-in and a trip to the chandlers, for electric
bits and other stuff....we were not able to get all we needed in St Lucia, so
hope we have better luck here. We have tested the sails again, although
we were only able to sail about half way before the wind died and the engine
has to go on. Wildlife sighted on the way up included a whale, obviously
chasing a big fish for supper as something very large jumped out of the
water. The camera, of course, was nowhere near for this little display.
After the trip to the chandlers, we'll be overnighting
in Sainte Anne, before heading south for Marigot Bay
and Bequia. The humidity here is rising all the
time, with nights as well as days being quite uncomfortable.
The photo is of a ship transporter. They are
busy welding the cradles in place to secure the boats on board for the long
journey back to France.
It will leave here in the next couple of days in time for the Med season.