And it’s turned Tom hairless! Yes folks it’s
finally happened. The hair has gone the way of all good locks – in the
hands of a Spanish hairdresser. With apologies to ZAK in the UK, we have now
both got ourselves a little shorn for the trip. Well, we had to be
respectable for the first party of the season! Yesterday, we had
rigging check and safety checked with little bits to do for both. Today
we are having our canvas awning re-sized for the boat, with hopefully enough
over to make a wedding present cover for the trip across.
Now that the Arc is really underway, there’s a small rise in crime and
felony around the pontoons, so we have to be quite rigorous about what and when
we leave things open and unattended, the infractions range from bikes being
stolen from walkways, to one “well-dressed Englishman, telling boat
owners that he’s has his credit cards stolen and can’t pay the
mooring fees (needed before you get a berth), so could he borrow some cash”
– seemingly this bright guy conned about four boats on day one of the ARC
office being open!
It’s not all bad, though, with the friendly, helpful
atmosphere on the pontoons getting stuff sorted well and in good
spirit. For those who are looking at the ARC site, we have
completed our profile – honestly, but think they work at their own
speed. What do you all think about the new style of our blog site?
Mailasail are very proud of it and it’s a very good supplement to what
the ARC do over the period of our travel across. Means that it is a
constant update of our progress, so will give you all a chance to try your seamanship
charting skills!
We are due to catch up with Yvonne and Keith today –
they ran our first aid and sea survival courses in the UK and got us
our safety equipment. Here for a holiday, plus catching up with some
friends, they have promised us a visit to a local restaurant they
recommend. It’s Argentinean and the portions are HUGE!