Captain's Blog

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Fri 6 Apr 2007 14:45
cannot be considered the beginning of my 'best-seller' but at least I'm
familiarising myself with a keyboard again).
Today, we are sitting in Jolly Harbour contemplating some more chores. We
have over the past few weeks fixed the watermaker, changed the oil filter,
reconnected the handheld vhf battery charger which had somehow become
disconnected(!) and I have been up the mast to check our deck lights (this
took me 5 minutes to check lights but took Colette 30 minutes to winch me up
there). I've been put on a diet for some reason!
Jolly Harbour is a bit of an American developers dream and there are plots
and houses for sail(sic) all over the place.
Prim Teaze continues to handle the sailing element of this trip with much
aplomb although the aft cabin (master) can get very warm when anchored or
moored. We are going to see England v Australia on Sunday in the cricket
world cup. This will be my first international cricket match so I'm hoping
it's more exciting than watching paint dry but then, I'm good at watching
paint dry!
Plans for the next 3 weeks get us down to St Lucia via Guadaloupe, the
Saintes, Dominica (maybe) and Martinique so watch the blog for exact
locations and let us know you are all still alive and well.