Okay, okay….due to popular demand here’s Pogo
pictures. He’s a good guard dog and stands his watch well – as you
can see. Other shots are of the surrounding pontoons, which will be awash with
ARC flags and paraphernalia in the not too distant future. Today’s tasks
include Tom sorting the loo leak out! Going paddling in the heads overnight
is not a pleasant experience! Anyway to Angus’s little challenge: He’s going
to swim around the boat in mid-Atlantic (for charity) – and the rest of
us are going to be on board to record the event for posterity! Let Angus
explain: “This is too good an opportunity to miss, to raise
both awareness and money for charity. In recognition of the assistance
provided by Norwich Union and my family in allowing me to fulfill my dream
trip, the two charities I would like to help are the Muscular Dystrophy
Campaign (the Norwich Union staff charity of the year) and the St Kenneth's
Malawi Appeal.” Half-way across the As an extra incentive to Angus, we are
pledging the money we normally spend on Christmas cards to the challenge. If
you are interested in also sponsoring Angus, then send us an email and we’ll
put you in touch with him. Promised pictures! Water, water everywhere The
Dog Watch
Alert! The
view from Prim Teaze |