Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Mon 4 Dec 2006 12:19
17.28N 29.25W
Sunday: sea state and weather was very much the same as the previous couple
of days and needless to say more sleepless nights. The one good thing is
that we are making good progress. Thankfully we haven't found Angus sleeping
in any more strange places either!
These conditions have however put paid to any further antics by the Highland
Boys to try and speed up our progress to St Lucia, much to the relief of the
Celtic Girls! The fishing competition is also on hold and the boys can be
found on occasion looking longingly at rod and reel and no doubt dreaming of
catching that big yellow tuna to win!
Tom continues to model the latest range of speedos as he struts and lounges
around on deck - I'll leave the rest to your imagination!
Us girls however, dream of calm seas, bikinis and sunbathing on deck, hot
showers, Johnny Depp... oops!
We celebrated covering the first 1000 miles with a great beef fajita dinner
washed down with some cool San Miguel beers - who said life was tough!
Competed in the final round of the pub quiz but sadly did not do too well,
but it's not the winning it's the taking part that counts (allegedly!)
Colette had a little more excitement on her solo hour on night watch - being
slapped on the back when you least expect it by flying fish - scary enough
to get the heart rate up!