The route is now familiar to us, but we had not
thought about the rain which seems to want to travel with us since we left St Lucia.
We left with a flotilla of Aussie's all with hangover, not looking forward to
the hard windward treck to Barbados,
and I guess now all the shouting will be over and there's another set of
hangovers to be dealt with!
We went from Rodney
Bay to Sainte Anne on Martinique and had a fine day's sail, putting on the
engine for only the last couple of hours. As we needed to check-in, we ate on
board, promising ourselves a trip to Marin for check-in the following
day. However, the rain gods had other ideas and that night was a wild
one. Ray and Tom eventually launched the dinghy and went across to Marin
mid-morning, but by One O'clock the weather had cleared and we had a good scout
around Sainte Anne after a very successful lunch, we even managed a late
afternoons swim before sundowners. The squalls have chased us since then,
some hitting, others missing!
We are now at Trois Ilet with plans to leave
Martinique for St. Lucia's Marigot Bay tomorrow. We have to walk to Anse
Mitan to check-out, however, so always rooms for a few more squalls I guess!
The aperitif time