The passage between Martinique and Dominica was a fine reach, though
we didn't make the most of it as we were worried about arriving in time to
check-in (and in the event missed it, so Tom's off there now). The
excitement of the passage came when Tom spotted a couple of whales basking in
the mid-distance. Of course, impossible to capture on camera and they
didn't hang around for a photo shoot. I've also spotted a Dolphin this
morning, so things are looking up on the wildlife front. We are moored in Roseau, which is the
Dominican capital and overnight a huge cruise ship has parked on the jetty just
500 yds away from us. That probably means that once we are free to go on
shore, everything will be full and prices inflated...
There was another huge barque in the bay last night and these guys are
really not too good for business. They tend to eat on board and contribute
little to the local economy, but at least keep the boat boys busy.
We are here for today and tonight, then will head further up the coast
to a more attractive bay.