Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Fri 15 Dec 2006 12:47
14.56N 57.09W
Well, its nearly over and at the time of writing we've got 223 miles to run
- though in this game anything can - and does - happen. Fishing was out; the
boys have lost heart after the theft of Delphine by THE BIG ONE (we later
learnt that the big one had joined another boat as their evening meal, but
their need was greater than ours - they were down to Fray Bentos steak pies
for supper). The VHF and SSB chatter has been continuous throughout the
trip and it's great to hear from a variety of boats. OK the stories are
mainly the one that got away, but it keeps the boys amused. Some boats now
short on bottled water (smug smile); some boats short on fuel (another smug
The boys read books, played with the Parasailor, carried on the cribbage
tournament and as the Parasailor decided to misbehave - again - they spent
more time putting it back in its box. It won't be coming out to play again
this trip.
Overnight, we had some big squalls which meant there was no meaningful sleep
for anyone. It was the turn of Angus to get wet - we are sharing that one
around a bit! We plan a quiet day today, the genoa - Jenny - is out at
present, but the squally weather means we are motor sailing - blow the race,
let's just get there, I say! (Ed, what race? Thought it was a rally).