Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Fri 27 Jul 2007 12:12
Yesterday we went to the south of the island (we think) for a Turtle watch,
we were amply rewarded by seeing leather-backs producing their eggs;
hatchlings making their way to the sea (some with a helping hands from us)
and seeing how the folk cope with the conservations issues for these big
survivors of the mammoth age.
Anyway, today is another day - another dollar and we're off for a
rain-forest hike, then a gentle snooze on the beach. Relaxing really!
Tomorrow, we ferry over to Tobago for their fiesta weekend, and fly back.
The total travel for this extravaganza is about £30!
Sunday we'll go for a sail and Monday it's back to the chores. Photos will
follow when we have time!