FW: 24 hour sailathon

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Thu 30 Nov 2006 12:44
-----Original Message-----
From: shoeless [mailto:shoelessjourney {CHANGE TO AT} shoelessjourney {DOT} com]
Sent: 30 November 2006 12:13
To: Blog (shoelessjourney+diary-475940 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com)
Subject: 24 hour sailathon
301106 12:00 UTC
22.42N 21.30W
Have had a great 24 hrs - sails up all the time and no incidents to report
(Tom & I have decided that DIY at sea isn't a good idea). Sailing during the
night was amazing - you feel isolated but what a thrill with only the moon
for company and the boat speeding away.
Winds have lapsed a little however the main fleet are suffering more with
little or no wind. But we have plan - yes it involves a little DIY but if it
goes to plan overtaking could be possible.... watch this space!
Finally, to everyone at NU / Friends & Family thanks for the monies raised
so far. I'll provide an update to how much soon.