Ships, ships, I see no ships

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Fri 8 Dec 2006 12:41
17.31N 40.21W
6 days and 1 fishing vessel that we tried to collide with (just for company
of course!). Not really, he was never closer than 2 miles away but you do
feel like making contact with any other ship you see, just to prove your own
existence. We of course continue to entertain ourselves with such things as
checking that the skipper knows where he is going and if we make him turn
quickly do his ribs still hurt. To all who care, they are mending nicely and
the pain has subsided significantly.
The wildlife list increased last night with a sighting of a minke whale
approx. 15 feet from the boat. Angus is not allowed to claim this one for
the fishing competition either......
We are fast approaching the 1000 miles to go mark (should be tomorrow before
mid day) when we hope to have another celebration meal.
I must say thanks to everyone who have been e-mailing us and the crew. It
really helps all to know that there is someone out there as it feels more
like x-file land (sea) as everyday goes past. Keep them coming.