Sailing all the way!

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Wed 29 Nov 2006 12:10
Yesterday we sailed for most of the day and night and were only scuppered
from doing a 24 hour run by a controlled gybe (more like an uncontrolled
jive!) by myself and Angus this resulted in the boom-vang being loosened
rather than tightened in our haste and hey presto, disconnected boom-vang.
The sea was still rolling along so after managing to attach it we decided to
motor for the rest of the night. We have now sorted it correctly and are
under sail again however crew is very tired. We will spend much of today
catching up on sleep and hence why the fishing competition has not yet
started. The skipper is still the only one to have showered yet! A couple of
pigeons spent the day and night with us. We have photographic evidence and
they had their eviction notices from Ken.