Today's wind is tomorrow's mileage

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Sat 9 Nov 2024 04:01
Well, today has certainly made up for yesterday's and
last night's pretty blustery and wet conditions. The Big Bula Waterpark has
turned into a smooth cycle in the lovely, sunny countryside of ... well, a
country like Denmark. As flat as can be expected with lovely rolling hills, wind
against you but not right in your face and making good way as the traffic is
light and the roads are excellent. Welcome to Ocean champagne
Think last night we both were like "why are we
doing this" especially as it was also raining from time to time. Full wetties
and a fleece needed. It will get colder from now on as we are going south. Hear
that friends are using socks in bed at night in NZ! But we will also be getting
more daylight.
We made 168 nautical miles from 1500 hours yesterday,
Friday, till 1500 hours today. That is pretty good as the wind has been 8-12
knots from SE since 0100 hours this morning, and we only shook out 2 of the
reefs in the main at 1000. The racy conditions yesterday gave us a great
head start! She sails well upwind, Skye Blue.
Today was another milestone turned: passed the 18000
nautical miles since Troon. Also thinking about the fact that the ARC 2024 is
about to start. 2 years since we crossed the Atlantic. Does time just compress
as you get older or what is going on!
Greetings from the South Pacific @ 1600 hours Saturday.
Will be getting ready to go out soon whooop whoooop!
20:37.0562S 175:33.5085E