Day 1 towards Nuie

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Thu 5 Oct 2023 05:27
Hello everyone,
we are zigzagging our way west through the Society
Islands. Getting a lot of gybe practice, as we don't have the pole up. The swell
is kind of a double whack as it is coming from two different directions, so we
are on a strict regime of Stugeron, which so far has worked like magic! We have
agreed to get a more gentle swell soon. Nicola has only had awkward swells so
she would like some smoother sailing, and Janet is finding her sea-legs again
after an involuntary break from the sailing.
All is well and the sun is out during the day and the
daily rain-showers come in at about 3 - 4 a.m. The usual. That's where we
normally would got out of bed in Bora Bora to close our hatches ;D
We are making good speed in a F4-6 and 2 reefs in the
All is well.
Your Skye Blue crew
16:45.0647S 154:47.5446W