You call that rain...?!

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Sat 3 Jun 2023 18:59
Day 1,
Which was yesterday afternoon until noon today
3/6/2023 actually. Easy : D Finally crossed to the other side of the last
traffic separation scheme. Away from big ships now. The lighter winds have
started to kick in. The moon lights up everything at night. Swear I saw a
moonbow in one of the rainclouds behind me early this morning. If they
exist. First Pacific experience of dodging squalls. Mostly to avoid the
lightning that may just sit there waiting for us. Easy enough to avoid
the lightning you can see, but more tricky to predict which clouds may
just turn into a light show....
This morning we had a millpond out there. Very pretty
but not much use otherwise - we did sail earlier as I took a bravepill and went
for the wind on the edge of a squall. it works, but just be prepared to be
washed away :D That was wet! Boat now very shiny and free of salt. Think the
water collected in the sail alone - as we were sailing with two reefs - could
have done us for two days! Very tasty by the way!
All is well and we are now under wind
006:15.7742N 81:33.7691W