Day 2

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Sun 5 Nov 2023 04:32
Still quite big seas but everyone and their tummies (some with the help of Mrs Stugeron) seem to have settled down to life in a rolling sea. This consists of our 2 hours on, 4 hours off overnight and 3 hours on, 6 hours off daytime watch system which sounds complicated but seems to work now that we are in the routine. In between watches, we sleep and occasionally eat with everyone together at supper. I'm delighted that we have almost finished the 5 pizzas we bought in Vava'u and can start on some of the tastier dishes in the fridge and freezer!
We are still making good headway in a F4-5 on the headsail only with the main still wrapped up not wanting to stress the skipper and crew! We have seen lots of Boobies swooping in the troughs between the waves looking for fish, not sure where they rest at night as we are miles from any land. Not seen any whales yet and no other sailing vessels. We have decided to not have a layover at Minerva reef. This is a 1 mile wide Atoll with the reef protecting the calm water inside. It is a well known safe bolthole for sailors heading North or South but not so safe for swimming as the reef sharks are known to hang out there too.
On a slightly smellier note, things are always breaking at sea and one of the seals broke in the aft heads. We made an emergency call to Pacific Plumbers who immediately sent out Stinky Steve with the spare part. He replaced the mechanism in no time and raced off to his next call saying it was no trouble Atoll.
Love Neil and the all the crew on Skye Blue.
23:11.3990S 176:43.1142W