After the rain...

Skye Blue sailing
Stephen and Malene
Mon 6 Nov 2023 05:08
We've been rolling along, making good progress towards New Zealand, for the last three days in big seas and slightly cooler than expected conditions. BUT around 3pm yesterday the clouds closed over, the heavens opened and we had torrential rain for the next 12 hours.  In the dark of night it was like riding a roller coaster blindfolded while being hosed down with cold water!  The moon and the stars were completely hidden by the clouds and the wet, wet rain, no one could avoid a complete soaking.  We had to don our wet clothes several times or risk soaking another clean dry set as we changed the shifts. Stephens faithful umbrella even started to leak (yes, skipper likes an umbrella when hiding in the cockpit!  There were some upsides though - we all got washed, the decks were well rinsed and Neil surpassed himself by actually getting out the shampoo and had a full wash and rinse in the cockpit!
Malene expertly heated a delicious ready made shepherd pie, that we had bought from the Deli in Neiafu, for supper and that was gingerly eaten while sheltering downstairs, Mrs Stugaron surpassed herself, as we all kept it down and agreed it was one of the tastiest meals we've had, especially after all the pizza that has kept us going so far. Supper tonight is promising more delicacies by the smell from the galley...chicken, purple sweet potatoes, rostis and a delicious salad. We are able to cope better with the rock'n roll cooking techniques. 
So, we have dried off in glorious sunshine today, downstairs looked a bit like a Chinese laundry this morning, and we may even have a few "clean" shirts to use again, another upside! The seas have calmed a little and we are keeping a lookout for whales but none so far...but maybe a beautiful sunset.
Love from Janet and the Skye Blue crew
24:55.6022S 177:55.7933W