15th December

Mon 15 Dec 2014 23:45
Noon position 17 30N, 30 55W, day’s run 169, DTG 1682. We have been sailing
with the mizzen, main (2nd reef) and yankee for most of the day with the wind
blowing from 18 to 28 knots from the E/ESE which is ok but the winds have caused
a big swell which is making moving about the boat difficult as well as having to
hand steer, but we are making progress.
The watches at night tend to have something on our laptops to view such as
a film between 8pm and 2am but the morning watch is normally split so that if
conditions are steady one person will sleep for three hours and the other will
be in the cockpit to keep an eye on things.
Tonight however, we are dealing with a slight problem of water in the fuel
tanks and so tomorrow could be a busy day.
Happy birthday to Uncle John for tomorrow. Hope you have a good
day! |