
Sat 13 Dec 2014 23:54
Noon position 16 19N, 27 05W, day’s run 106, DTG 1935. We are now back on the road and have Barbados firmly in our sights although it is still two weeks away. We have had a lightening visit to Cape Verde where we bought some jerry cans for water and one for fuel.
Ian did a great job of bleeding the fuel system and getting the engine started again after I caused us to run out of fuel although the boat was a bit smelly for a day or so!
Mindelo was an interesting place and I thought the people were very helpful and friendly on the whole although Andy is a bit more guarded in his opinion about them. (I did lose my temper with a French skipper though, but he definitely wasn’t local).
The sun is beginning to get really hot now but the haze caused by the African dust is absorbing some of the heat but it can get a wee bit chilly at night sufficiently so to force the use of a coat for the time being.