19 06N 68 35W

John Bowering
Fri 14 Nov 2008 11:31
0600 14th November and we are about 100 miles from Sopers Hole. I think we will all be glad to get this windward passage done. Although we were lucky in avoiding :Lapaloma it has meant we have been butting straight into the wind and seas since then. Fortunately neither have been aggressive and we have just had the engine ticking over at 1200 rpm to avoid making long tacks but it is not as pleasant as simply sailing. We had a number of electrical storms last night though fortunately non to close to us and the nights passage was a lot calmer that the previous night so we were all able to catch up on our sleep. Jonathan spent part of the 8-12 sleeping in the cockpit whilst Finn was on watch and it was a beautiful clear night prior to the electrical storms. With sunrise the precipitation seems to have moved to our south and hopefully we will have a clear passage through to Tortolla. Jonathan made a superb meal yesterday evening which probably also helped in us all getting a good nights sleep. We are going to have a look at the pilot book later this morning and decide whether to go into Sopers Hole or to White Beach which is about 5 miles to the north. Unless we manage to pick up some speed it is going to be dark when we arrive but neither spot is difficult to get into.