38 36N 24 32W

John Bowering
Mon 15 Jun 2009 19:12
"Notes from a Small Boat Motoring East" - well, day two of the quest for North Africa, and all that is fabled about Morocco. Osprey has continued motoring at a steady 5.5 knot average almost due East, whilst this is more motoring it was planned as we knew we had 2 to 2.5 days to reach the wind. And according to the weather charts we are now within a 100 miles of 15 knot Northerly winds - perfect, so hopefully tomorrow evening willl see us sailing at full steam towards the Straits.
Life on board is in a steady routine, the crew carrying on where we left off on arrival in Horta. The watches are being run the same, John up to midnight after Charles hits the sack around 9pm; Charles then taking the graveyard shift through til 4am before John takes the sunrise shift.
The food mountain, that clearly rivals any in the EU is being steadily diminished. The frozen doughnuts are remarkably good and provide for excellent afternoon tea on the terrace.
As for chocolate, well here Budda continues to be sneaky. Charles thought Budda was being fairly restrained, merely having the odd Bounty & Snickers. But oh how wrong - you see Charles was steadily munching his way through the Toblerone in the fridge and noticed John didn't seem to be taking any. But the cunning fox was eating the other one in the snack locker, therefore, Charles has decided that to ensure his fair share there is only one course of action - eat all the remaining Toblerone during his watch tonight. A tall order, but a challenge to which he is sure he can rise!
The wind, what little there is, comes from the north and with it brings a heavy swell. So it is no longer a case of shorts and the odd t-shirt but more long sleeves & trousers. Although Charles is still managing to worship the sun god when it is at its zenith and yesterday managed to sear his nose to a bright red - copious applications of AfterSun sorted it out overnight.
With Osprey motoring at a steady pace there is little to do, so both the boys have been reading and enjoying the peace.
So with the sun sinking fast on our stern we continue on the "Marrakesh Express"