
James Blackburn
Tue 2 Aug 2011 20:00

Tuesday 2 August 2011 38:52.06N         1:12.33E


The focus of the day was food!

We’d fixed a luncheon date at Juan

Y Andrea’s restaurant along

The bay, and motored there past tall

Ships and small yachts and myriad

Craft of every size and value.

Waiting for the launch was dull

So was the sky.   But lunch was worth

It.  Calamari, langoustine

And frittata of all shapes, and

Tataki, then a vast paella . . .

And as we ate the sky grew brighter

Til the sea below took on the

Proper colours of the Med; Milano

Startling white against the

Blue bay behond.

By late afternoon the gateway,

Guardian Vedra rocks were

Beckoning.  In faltering,

Following breeze and mist we

Approached them slowly, surrounded

By a hazy humid eerie

Light from the lowering sun.  Nine o’

Clock exactly was the time

Milano found a breeze and sailed

Triumphantly between.  No more

Dramatic journey’s end was there.

To starboard, in the distance, lay

The Isla Conejera, our

First anchorage; a circuit of the

Baleares made and a week-

Long Island dream enjoyed by all

Four tanned and happy souls.  This was

The second day of August.


Jo Edwards