
Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Fri 28 Sep 2012 10:59
Friday afternoon continued to be very nice, slow sailing. 8kn of Wind, main + gennaker. Then three hours ago little fronts started passing through. Rain and wind for 10 minutes, then no wind for half an hour. Then again some rain, followed by wind. Then nothing. Hope that doesn't go on all day today, it's a little annyoing.
Sometime today I should reach the first Fiji islands - Oneata, Karoni, Thakau. Not islands really, more just reefs. Lots of reefs around here. But there's the "Oneata Passage" marked in the charts, so that part can't be too bad. After that pretty much nothing for 100nm until Moala, then nothing for another 80nm, and then 100nm more of going around Viti Levu to my destination Lautoka. That last leg is where it's going to be really busy, but that's at least two days away.
330nm to go.