Same old, same old

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Tue 1 May 2012 18:09
Wow, we came 58nm yesterday! 27nm sailing, the rest drifting. A new record -
lowest distance in 24h ever! But at least it's a little sunny today, not
like the last two days. We spent most of the time below deck because it was
raining so much, and at one point I counted 9 individual squalls at the same
time on the horizon. They are already encrouching heavily on the last
patches of sunlight. Let's hope the forces of light manage to fend the evil
dark clouds off for a little while longer, at least until we had lunch!
Liz is cooking pumpkin soup with our last pumpkin (half of it). There's
still onions, potatoes, tomatoes, kiwi, limes, apples, pears, oranges and
garlic left. So we're still some way from opening cans.