Sail up, sail down, sail up, sail down

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Mon 30 Apr 2012 17:59
Last night I fell out of my bunk. No kidding. There had been no wind for hours, we were just drifting along, lying in our bunks waiting, and suddenly I find myself lying on the floor. Liz head pops up from behind the table on the other side of the boat. "Are you ok?". "Uhm yes, sure. Everything ok.".
Another squall had come along and rocked the boat. They've been doing that all afternoon. No wind, then suddenly a gust and some waves from some crazy direction. SE, NW, N, S. For 30minutes or an hour, then nothing again. A wonderful exercise in setting and shifting sails. From 3am to 5am boat time (sth like 1am to 3am local) I could make out a small solitary light bopping up and down over the horizon. At first green, but when tried to get closer it turned white and ran away. Must have been another sailboat. Unfortunately it was too dark to see anything but the light, and in the morning it was gone again. I had hoped for a photo of a sailboat in the morning light. Photographic opportunities have ben very scarse so far, not counting clouds and waves.
Today will not enter the records as the most beautiful day in Pacific history. Overcast, drizzling on and off. But at least there is a little wind now and we're moving. The weather forecast predicst no real wind until Wednesday. But it's wrong all the time anyway, nice weather and steady winds might be just an hour away! Also Liz is baking bread, which is another thing I'm really looking forward to.