On the way to Bora Bora

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Fri 24 Aug 2012 21:32
Only 10nm to Bora Bora. Unfortunately I'm approaching from SE, and the pass is on the west side of the island, so I have to sail about 18nm in total.
I left the quay at Uturoa at 08:30 this morning in 15kn of wind, unfurled the genoa, and sailed the 7.5nm through the atoll to the north-western pass. At 10:15 I went through the pass and once safely outside I switched the genoa for the parasailor. Apart from the occasional sun-shower the weather is great, and the sea is pretty calm as well. Looks like a day of nice sailing.
Uturoa seems like a nice place to stop over on the way west. Good snorkeling nearby, and the super-market and gas-station are just next to the quay. As is the town-center, but since it's a really small town, there isn't much there. After some provisioning and a quick check-over of the boat this morning I had a coffee with Gisela and Uwe, and we said our good-byes. They are staying in French Polynesia for another season, and we don't know when or if we'll see each other again. Hopefully they come to New Zealand one day. All the best my friends, fair winds, following seas, a cool fridge. And may you never run out of "Eselsmilch" and white-wine.