Arrived in Niue (Saturday)

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Sun 16 Sep 2012 15:03
To arrive safe and sound in a quiet bay after two rough days and nights at
sea is the best thing in the world. Right now at least. Coming in to the bay
of Alofi I was wondering whether there will be a free buoy for me and how
I'm going to tie to it alone. But all fine, at least three free big orange
buoys, and the place is so protected from South-Easterly winds that it was
no problem to grab the buoy with the boat hook and thread a line through the
eye. Then I called Liz, and after that Niue Radio for clearance.
After a friendly welcome and basic questions (name of vessel, call-sign,
number of crew, animals, last port, next port) Niue radio asked me to stand
by on Channel 16 because there are two more boats in line ahead of me.
All together there are twelve boats here of which I know three.