
Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Fri 8 Jun 2012 21:42
Having some connection problems with Iridium lately. Usually connecting to the internet works fine, if slow, but since yesterday it takes many tries to establish a connection. Now and then Windows will not clean up all resources properly and I have to reboot the computer and try again, quite annoying.
Other than that everything as before. We're sailing SW in light winds between 30 and 120 degrees apparent wind angle. Two sightings: All through the night I saw a navigation light ahead, and this morning a roll-on-roll-off cargo vessel passed infront of our bow, heading east.
Since nine in the morning it's a little uncomfortable. We're caught in cross-seas coming from SE as well as NE, and the boat is dipping like a sea-saw. Hope we'll get through that rather quickly. I changed course further south so we have more pressure in the sails and more speed so that it's bearable.
184nm to go to Fakarava