To Green Island

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Fri 13 Jan 2012 17:05
Friday, 13.01.2012, 12:00 local, 9° 48' N, 77° 42' W, HDG 256°, 6.7kn
The sea is much calmer today and since 2am we have the main sail up. At
first in the second reef, after dawn full. Now we're sailing along nicely and
feel both well. Mark and Liesbet have send us their co-ordinates in the San Blas
islands and we changed course and are heading there now (9°29'N, 78°38'W).
Unfortunately we won't make it before sunset, and we don't want to navigate the
reefs in the dark. So we're going to hang around in the open sea and enter the
archipelago in the morning.
Yesterday we sailed slower than necessary. We only had the genoa up and
could easily have increased our speed with the main sail or the parasailor. But
we were both a little apathic from seasickness to do more than what was
absolutely necessary and slept most of the day. Interesting. Well, no surprise
really. Seven months on shore and then a force 8 on the first day out. But now
we're back on track. It's great to be out again. I've missed it.