Just sailing

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Thu 3 May 2012 18:13
It's great to be moving again. But yesterday was especially nice. Sunny, light but steady winds, calm seas. We sailed alng with 4 to 5kn, ran the watermaker and filled the tanks, cooked, wrote, and coded. In the afternoon Liz baked Pumpkin-Ginger-Muffins and we had tea. Then we danced in the cockpit to music we got from Cuba. In the evening we showered and dressed up for dinner (just pasta) - which means we actually put more on than our underwear. We toasted the sunset with Vodka and Cranberryjuice, then lay in the cockpit for hours, talking and listening to music.
Today there is a little more wind, around 15kn, and we're making good speed. The boat moves more - don't leave stuff lying around and watch our for those mugs of tea!