Halfway to the Cap Verde islands

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Tue 8 Feb 2011 11:33
Tuesday, 08.02.2011, 11:30 UTC, 22:34.1N 019:24.8W
The weather has been the same for the past three days. Sunny, with winds
from 10 to 20kn form the North-East during the day, and 20 to 30kn during the
night. As the wind increases during the night the waves get very choppy and the
ride uncomfortable as the ship rolls with the waves passing underneath her,
especially when a wave breaks. A right cacophony of clings and clongs. During
the morning the wind goes down a bit, and the waves gradually too, until the sea
is quite nice in the evening. And then it all starts again. I think it has
something to do with the Sahara to the east of me, which might be the source of
that wind as the land cooles rapidly in the night. So it should get better
further west.
But the afternoons are really nice, and quite good for working on the boat
too. Yesterday I fixed the problem with the head that was filling up. I removed
the hose from the seacock and plugged that with a wooden peck. Good news and bad
news: the boat is dry, but I have to use the bucket from now on. Then I had a
look at why the Batteries are not being charged. I have two 135Watt solar panels
at the stern, and even though the angle to the sun is bad on my current tack,
they should charge at least a few Ah. Turns out the controller shows the battery
voltage at 14 to 16V with the Solar Panels connected, and 8V when not. Maybe a
broken diode, but whatever the reason, the controller is gone.
Fortunately ... just for that contingency I had bought a controller for the
wind generator which would accept at least one of the panels. I hooked that up,
and now the batteries are being charged. With half the capacity, but better then
nothing. I turned off the fridge and chartplotter, and am now only running the
sumlog, compass, windinstrument and navigation lights. The AIS is gone with the
Chortplotter, and I'm glad I invested into the little radar detector which
worked very well through the night. Beep, beep, beep -- ah, there's another
freighter. This evening we'll see whether the one panel is enough to balance the
energy consumption. It's a little sad about the fridge, because it's full of
cheese. But the Parmesan should be ok for a while, right?
So, lots of problems on the boat. I didn't expect the voyage to bee without
problems, after all it's the first time I'm taking Gudrun out for a longer trip.
But I hadn't expected that much, and in such a short time. On the other hand I'm
quite happy that I managed to fix the things up with what I took with me. Feels
a little like being an astronout on a space station, hehe. Only they are in a
much more dangerous environment. Minus the waves, lucky bastards ;-).
But also minus the dolphins. Last evening I cooked dinner and then went on
deck to eat it. Only I put it down very quickly instead and took my camera
because there was a school of dolphins playing around the bow of the boat. The
sun was just setting, and I sat there in the cockpit eating dinner and watching
the dolphins being shiloueted against the sinking sun as they jump out of the
water. What a show!