Update to last post

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Wed 9 Feb 2011 14:13
During tidying up I thought a little about my last post and why on earth I
had stayed so far east. I think I wasn't entirely honest with myself. I think
the reason why I stayed east was that I wasn't sure wheather I wanted to go west
at all. I don't think I was scared, rather not really into the adventure
anymore. Starting over a year ago and then stopping for 7 months to work on a
boat had taken something out of me. It wasn't the problems at the start of the
trip, everybody has problems with the autopilot and the like, it's part of the
experience ;-). No, it was something different. The idea was still there, but
the spirit not. No wonder I was cautios, it takes more than a nice idea to
commit to a three week long adventure on your own.
Well, the spirit is back. No more chickening around now. Right George? This
is an awesome adventure, and I have a fantastic boat. The comfy parasailor is in
it's sock and Octavio's splendid genoa and main-sail are up and properly
trimmed. Let's eat some miles and make up for the lost time. Caribbean here I
come :-) |